Event date: 6/05/2018 8:30 AM - 5:00 PM Export event Jordan Marsh / Saturday, 7 April 2018 Auckland Insulation Winter Series Next day 6th of May The first round of the Auckland Insulation Winter Series was held on the 30th of May and was a huge sucess with well over 200 horses enjoying the day. We are looking forward to welcoming everyone to the second round which is on the 6th of May. Leaderboards are included below. Any queries please email sjwaitemata@gmail.com More information about our winter training days is available here. 2018 Dates 30th March 6th May 10th June 15th July 5th of August Everyone is welcome - no ESNZ membership required. Heights start at 60cm through to 1.30m Great prizes sashes and rugs for series winners in our four sections. Courses designed by ESNZ approved course designers. Entries online or on the day. www.main-events.co.nz Casual dress - no need for jackets. Everyone welcome to finish there first round even if eliminated. Perfect for young horses and ponies or riders new to jumping events. Print 3290 Rate this article: 3.4 Documents to download winter 2018 programme2(.pdf, 175.87 KB) - 296 download(s) Horse Challenge Winter Series Leaderboard 2018(.pdf, 84.83 KB) - 179 download(s) Horse Winter Series Leaderboard 2018(.pdf, 113.29 KB) - 126 download(s) Pony Challenge Winter Series Leaderboard 2018(.pdf, 85.48 KB) - 130 download(s) Pony Winter Series Leaderboard 2018(.pdf, 92.89 KB) - 124 download(s) Please login or register to post comments.