Event date: 10/06/2018 Export event Jordan Marsh / Sunday, 27 May 2018 Next Winter Series Day 10th of June Everyone welcome! New three ring schedule. The third day of the Auckland Insulaton Winter Series kicks off on the 10th of June at 9am. We have a new three ring programme. So check out the schedule HERE. Entries are open now HERE. NEW PROGRAMME Featuring Cross Bar class for ponies. Low Horse classes in their own ring starting at 10.00AM Other rings starting at 9.00AM Everyone is welcome, no ESNZ registration is required and you don't need to have competed at our previous days to come along. Help us put the courses up and save money! Help us course build on the Saturday before the event and we will shout you a class on us. We are also looking for a writer and gate keepers for Sunday. Email sjwaitemata@gmail.com if you can help out. Print 2762 Rate this article: 5.0 Please login or register to post comments.